Snow Day
It started snowing late this morning, and was quite a festive sight to see. The light, dry, fluffy variety - the snow globe kind - that didn’t amount to anything needing shoveling or plowing. Perfect, since yours truly has been under the weather today thanks to yesterday’s booster shot • We were both restless and mostly sleepless all night and I crawled back into bed for a couple of hours midday. Headache and chills for me, and MrsP has a very sore arm. All worth it, of course • Thank you to all of the generous and thoughtful cat-loving blippers who offered catfood assistance! I don’t believe we’re in need of rescuing yet • It’s true their favorite brand is currently unavailable, but we do have 3 cases stashed away and will not open them until I’m able to find it again in stores or online. We do have enough dry food for awhile, and we’ve been able to buy enough of other food from various local stores to stay ahead, at least for now • Our cats will tell you a different story, however, as they’re being fed brands, styles and flavors they have never been given before and are not that fond of. Oh, well, hunger makes most anything acceptable :)
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