The British Gas service visit was fixed for between 10 am and 2pm today. By 2pm nothing. Then at 2.05pm an email telling me it had been rearranged for the 24th.
So I’ve spent much of the afternoon on that. First of all the chat function on the website, which involves an exchange with “Cosmo”.the “digital assistant”. Artificial intelligence has a way to go. Then a chat with a real person, who I assume is based in the call centre in India. Then a (long) transfer to the complaints section, again in India. “I note your concern” and “we will learn from this and it will never happen again” I just found annoying, I know when I’m being fobbed off. I like a bit of honesty.
Last Christmas we had major boiler problems. An appointment then was shunted back to the 24th, and on that day was cancelled and then rearranged to 15th January. We had no heating or hot water over Christmas. Hopefully this year the boiler will be OK, and the appointment will be kept.
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