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The spines thereof as they are lined up on my bookshelf. Jazzed up with Topaz for Abstract Thursday.
We had to wait in today for a delivery of a small filing cabinet to go under my desk. It came with about half a tonne of biodegradable packaging chips. Just run them under warm water it said and they will gently dissolve away. It took me about an hour and used up all our hot water. I'm not sure whether on balance that's a good or bad thing for the environment. I might have mentioned this before but for a short while I worked for a guy who had a sideline business in biodegradable chips. When we showed customers around he used to grab a handful and eat them, to prove how safe they were. It looked like the same stuff.
We had a Christmas card today addressed to Dr & Mrs C... I have more qualifications than I thought.
One year ago:
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