Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Lost and found

Had an eventful night last while walking the dog. I fell and he ran off into the dark while I struggled up off the pavement.

We spent about 3 hours searching but to no avail.

Meanwhile the previous owners drove down with their dogs to help look for him. I'd told them he was missing because they have his chip details and they would have been phoned if he was found and scanned. So they pitched up at about 2.30am with all their dogs. They wandered down our road calling his name and would you believe it... They found him! They were calling his name and he barked and then came out from one of the driveways just round the corner from our house.

They were literally here for ten minutes! They'd driven down from Stockton On Tees because they couldn't bear the thought of him being lost. There were three of them, two girls and a guy in their twenties along with their pack of three dogs.

I'm so grateful to them for making the effort. Acts of kindness like that are sometimes all that keep you going in these strange times!

The dog - who has now been renamed yet again and is now called "Monkey" - seems none the worse for his scare.

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