It was starting to get dark…

… by the time I got out for a quick walk up the hill and down t’other.
I spent the morning waiting for a call from the rheumatology nurse, Yve, who had said she would speak to my GP about authorizing a steroid injection. My phone rang at just after 1.30 and it was the GPs surgery to say I had to collect an injection from the Co-op pharmacy this afternoon and that she was just a about to fax the script to them. I asked who was going to give the injection but she wasn’t sure. A couple of minutes later she phoned back to say the GP would do it and gave me appointment for 10.30 on Monday. She said that if the injection wasn’t in stock them that appointment could be changed. 
Then Yve phoned to say she had arranged an injection but was surprised when I told her I had to collect it from the pharmacy and couldn’t have it until Monday. No worries at least something was happening. 
After an hour or so I thought I better check with the pharmacy that they had the medication. No they didn’t have the script and suggested I try St Martins Surgery to check that it had been sent and was sent to the correct pharmacy. My surgery in town closes at 2.00pm hence calling a different one. The lady there confirmed a script had been faxed but had no way of knowing where to. She did say not to fret because she could arrange a new one to be sent first thing on Monday in good time for the GP at 10.30.
A few minutes later she called back to say the person from town was at another surgery this afternoon and confirmed it had gone to my local Co-op. So back on phone to Co-op but no they didn’t have it. So I phoned the surgery where the person who had sent it was working. She said she would send it again with a request that the pharmacy phone me when they received it.
I was just thinking that one must also be floating around the Ethernet when the lovely pharmacist phoned. Yes he now had the script but no he didn’t have the injection in stock! But Boots did! My GPs surgery is in Boots! All around the houses to get back where it started. So he will pass the script on to Boots. I could collect on Monday morning but think I might just get my hands on it tomorrow so I know I have it. Failing all else I can get toGP sugary early enough for me to take a new script downstairs to get the flipping jab! So that’s why it was getting dark by the time I took a photograph! 
How sad is it that all the recent calls on my phone log are to/from people in the medical profession…

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