He Loves Marmite!

It was such fun watching this not so Little Munchkin eating. He literally eats ANYTHING. Lumps and all. And he can feed himself. You have to play  'catch the flying spoon' all the time but he's an absolute pleasure to watch!

DN1 and Baby M left at about 11 this morning. 

I then dropped Mr W at the cinema and walked Bella. We had to play Dodge the Dogs after an out of control Spaniel upset Bella despite the fact we were off the path, in the bushes, lead on and "maybe anxious" on her harness. Some dog owners just don't get it. We managed to avoid everyone else by chopping and changing our paths which made us find new ones. It turned out to be a lovely walk. 

On the way home I dropped a baby seat and play gym to DN2 for Baby J. Baby M has grown out of them now and I could do with getting them out the way ready for moving.

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