Silly But Not Funny

They have been grading and hauling away rocks from the lot next door 6 days a week for many weeks. It looks like they may have begun making forms for the foundation on the far side, but the majority of the lot is packed dirt. Today they began at seven as usual, but after all the scraping and grading, another atmospheric river is predicted to begin tonight. It appears that they are covering the mounds of dirt with giant tarps and redirecting the expected flow of water with lines of wattle to prevent everything from washing away.

Wouldn’t it have been better if they had built the new house on the old lot which was basically rock?

I can feel the Christmas preparations slipping away from me after spending another day pretty close to the couch. If I had had the foresight to buy Christmas cards, I could at least be writing those. Perhaps somebody should just throw a tarp over me!

Our only remaining immediate neighbors, Rob and Jim across the street, are moving to San Francisco next week. They have said that they need to get away from the constant threat of fire. Although we can certainly understand their reasons, we will miss them. We’re going to a party tonight to say good bye to them and wish them well.

We’ll be leaving Spike by himself so I don’t imagine we’ll stay too long….

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