Life at 50mm

By Stevie378

'Sun, Sun, Sun . . . . Here It Comes........'

Finally - the sun put in an appearance today. I'd almost forgotten what it looked like.

Not wanting to waste a moment of this unusually sunny weather I laced up the boots and headed for Park Lime Pits, via Mill Lane Nature Reserve , a lovely piece of wetland which suffers more than its fair share of abuse at the hands of local yobs and arsonists. Fortunately they weren't to be seen today, and the walk through was uneventful, pleasant even.....

On arrival at Park Lime Pits I discovered that I had the place entirely to myself - perfect. I headed to my favourite bench, beside the smaller of the two lakes, and - miracle of miracles - was able to REMOVE MY JACKET and bask in warm sunshine, for the first time this year ! !
As I sat in silence, enjoying the tranquility of the place, I was joined by a squirrel - he kept his distance - even my 70-200 lens couldn't pull him in close enough to even half fill the frame, but his acrobatics kept me amused for a good half hour or so.

As I was about to pack up my gear and head for home I heard footsteps, and was joined by Roger, one of the Friends Of Park Lime Pits, a group of people who do great work keeping the park looking good. I don't agree with all of the changes that have happened at the place in the last few decades ( steps dug into banks, island dredged out of the lake etc. ), but I really do appreciate the work that has gone on to ensure that the people of Walsall can still enjoy this oasis ......

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