Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Tree Monster!

Taken at Calke Abbey where we did an Easter Egg hunt. Tobes was heavily assisted in the clues by Grandad. Well, not many 3 year olds would recognise a picture of a Crayfish, which was one of the clues.

I took advantage of having Grandparents staying over to help Mr EG and sneaked out early for a ride after Eva's first feed. Anyone with little people in their lives will know how precious just a few hours to yourself is and it put a big smile on my face!

It was the first ride out in about 6 weeks the sun was shining and there was hardly anyone else about other than a few runners and dog walkers. I felt really contented as we were pootling down the road to the woods, breathing in the fresh cool air, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face and generally feeling like life is good right now. I often think of Henry when I am on my rides and out of the corner of my eye I saw something white in the air. I turned to look and there was a tiny downy feather floating along on the breeze right next to me. It stayed alongside me for more than a few moments and then drifted away. It felt really special, that warm and fuzzy feeling like he was sending me a sign to let me know he is okay.

The afternoon was spent at Calke Abbey followed by a mini Easter egg hunt in Toby's room as the temperature had dropped too much to go into the garden which is still covered in snow. We then went to Andrew and Katie's for a fantastic roast dinner. Eva went down in her travel cot for all of five minutes and then joined us at the table in case she missed something! Tobes was a little angel and snuggled down in the spare room for a big sleep.

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