
Today I went into the forest, it was a bit foggy and damp, nevertheless it was enjoyable.

The greatest thing that happened was that for the first time I saw Usnea, a fruticose lichen. Why I got so excited was this:

Like other lichens, Usnea often grows on sick or dying trees due to the pre-existing loss of canopy leaves, allowing for greater photosynthesis by the lichen's algae; this leads some gardeners to mistakenly blame the lichen for the tree's leaf loss and illness.

Usnea is very sensitive to air pollution, especially sulfur dioxide. Under poor growing conditions, such as areas high in pollution, they may grow no larger than a few millimetres, if they survive at all. Where the air is unpolluted, they can grow to 10–20 cm long. It can sometimes be used as a bioindicator, because it tends to only grow in those regions where the air is clean, and of high quality." Wikipedia

Because it was pretty dark in the forest I used high ISO, so the quality og the image is a bit noisy. It looks better large.

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