I've got a feeling I know what she's thinking
"Oh blimey, not her as well." ...... What do you think?
You will have seen Stan posing on jorgiesmum's finger or in a shot of Jorgie & Stan together in Blip, so you won't recognise Stan, he's the blur at the bottom of the cage. He'd really, really like to nip my finger ... no chance.
Lucy on the other hand is normally perched nicely in her cage but I managed to get her a new des res (cardboard box to you & I) from the Coop when I was there picking up a newspaper, so was busy putting her mark on it, & certainly did'nt have time for me.
There you are, the "rents" are back tomorrow afternoon.
Back to serious matters, Mum's leg has improved greatly since yesterday, the swelling is going down, the pain controlled with the meds but feeling easier. The first night she has slept through the night since she cannot remember when, so that was a bonus. I still think it would be good for her to get an M.O.T but she probably won't want to go, & the current doc surgery situation won't help either. I'm feeling very relieved. I tactfully brought up the idea of me having a door key, which got the thumbs up, so will organize that this week. Thank you for your wishes yesterday. x
Dogs walked ,checked on hubby on my way back through, then it was lunchtime.
I've been in Xmas mode this afternoon, cutting fabric to cover the jars of pickles & preserves I shall be giving as Xmas presents again this year. Had a brainwave while doing that so fingers crossed Tago have'nt had a rush on this fabric over the weekend & I'll be able to purchase more on Tuesday. Might give them a call in the morning to check first.
That's about it .. tv viewing tonight ... Countryfile, which I really enjoy, but hubby chunters all the way through, then the Strictly results.
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