Windmill 'Nolet', Schiedam

'Nolet' = Looks like a French name, but no way does this sound like 'No-lay'.  If it is a French name, then it is possible that the Frenchman who moved to Schiedam was a Huguenot, or Protestant, fleeing persecution.
The name is now associated with the oldest jenever distillery in Schiedam, the Nolet Distillery, producers of 'jenever' (roughly gin, but not quite), among other spirits, established in 1691 --
It was the latest generation who had this windmill built.  It is actually a wind turbine disguised as a windmill, and is 9 meters taller than De Noord, which is the tallest windmill in the world (see post of 09 Nov).  Why, then, isn't the Nolet called the tallest?  Because it's not really a windmill.  The disguise is pretty good, no?  In this way, it blends in beautifully with the other windmills which can be found almost along the same road.  And it is classified as such by the Windmill Foundation because of its function, which is to generate power for the distillery.  I did think for a long while that this was the tallest.  I mean 18.5 meters + 9 = 27.5 meters, which is a huge difference.  Whatever is said, though, both De Noord and the Nolet are in Schiedam.  The Nolet wraps up my little Schiedam adventure.

As you can see, this was shot very late in the afternoon.  I was lucky with the position of the clouds, and that it wasn't raining, but the margin was quite narrow.  Also very happy that it wasn't all that cold, and that there was no wind.  Taking outdoor shots for half an hour can be a pain when one's scarf is flapping all over the place and one's fingers are almost frozen, which was not the case today.  There's an extra of the warehouse across the water, and of the medieval-looking plaque with the builder's name in Latin.  The windmill was built in 2005, but the distillery was founded in 1691.  Will you believe that not all Schiedammers know the treasures in their own city?

A 'little accident' on the A16 earlier in the afternoon which hadn't yet been resolved by the time I was done prompted me to detour through Hendrik Ido Ambacht and take the A15 and then exit to the N3 via Dordrecht to get home.  I oh so do not like getting stuck after sunset.  After a toilet stop at home, left again for supermarket errands.  After dinner, and for the rest of the evening, an upset stomach, most likely caused by the stress earlier in the week.  It will be gone by tomorrow.  Some housework and some gaming before bed, and AW played some bridge online.

You're having a safe and warm weekend at home, I trust.

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