East Neuk

We went to Crail to attend a friend's 70th birthday party, and on the way called in to see D's stepmother in Largo. We also popped up to see the auld yin's resting place - L apologised for the plastic flowers but has recently had a hip replacement so isn't getting about much yet. We had a cup of tea and a blether, then on to Crail where we were staying overnight at the Golf hotel. The party was in the community hall, a re-purposed church, and had around 50 people sitting in small groups around well spaced tables - several of the locals sang songs that T & I had requested, I's brother did a poem and there was substantial grub at half time.

One of the two couples sat at our table turned out to live in Largo too, and knew D's stepmum (indeed, had known his dad too).

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