
By Beewriter


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside....

There's nothing better than a blast of sea air to blow away the cobwebs, even if it is at Blackpool. Jude, Alex and I had the day in Tacky Town. The colours, the smells, the noises suck you in and you feel excited by it all.

The sea was coming in fast but we managed to get a few shots under the pier before we were caught out. There were some lads on a sand bank and they had to make a mad dash for it as the sea swamped the sand, one minute they were on the bank the next they were knee deep and running fast. I took some pics of them and it looks like they are running on water.

We walked from one pier to the next and then along Central pier. I love piers...the old wooden planks that don't quite meet so you can see down to the sea, the wind whooshing across them and the feeling of walking out to sea. We bought some hot donuts and munched on them as we decided whether to go on the bumper cars. They were quite expensive so we just watched.

Alex is a little gambler... a boy after my own heart...and he was desperately feeding the slot machines. I have to admit we were both drawn in by the flashing lights and the noise. We might as well have stood on the end of the pier and just tossed our money into the water, but I suppose there isn't as much fun in that though.

I had wanted to go up the Tower but it was £12 so we just went for a nosy into the ballroom. There was a man playing the Wurlitzer and people dancing, it was fabulous to watch.

People watching is one of my favourite past times and it is especially fun in Blackpool. There were some very colourful characters around today. It was a shame the rides on the Pleasure Beach weren't operating as I would have like to take pics of people screaming on the Big One.

We had a fish and chip supper, which I think is obligatory when you go for a day by the sea, which was great. This had to be walked off and so we walked down another pier and I took some shots of the amazing sunset. I really was spoiled for choice for a blip today, I had the Tower, the ballroom, beach shots, pier shots and many more. It was a great day filled with touristy experiences, unhealthy food, lots of laughs, many photo opportunities......oh and the stick of rock with I love Blackpool all the way through it.

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