High school basketball played at a professional arena...dunno how that happened but it's a fun place to play in and the lighting is far superior to most high school gymnasia...makes it easy to shoot.
The home team (dark uniforms) won both games; this photo and the Extra are of the Junior Varsity game comprised mostly of freshmen (9th graders).
In the first photo the home team is attempting to block a shot by the opposition. The guy higher in the air (BF) I have known since he was in diapers...I also had both of this parents as students. He anticipated a jump but the guy with the ball didn't jump. You can see in the extra that BF tried to hurdle the guy with the ball but came down on top of him.
The Extra shows how the opposition got out off to the side and managed to make a shot. He missed and we got the ball.
Best in Large.

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