So lovely to have some sunshine after all the rain!
Shopping with CarbBoy this morning in the Covid-pass protected Christmas Market. Then some pottering in the garden, mainly hauling the masses of squash stems and leaves to the compost, and a stint tidying the office which should, drumroll, have heating in 8 days time!
Squeezed in a bit of Formula One watching too. I don’t think I’ve watched this since I was a teenager - when did they get so fast with the wheel changes? I remember they used to have a stopwatch on it to count the lost seconds. The driver I wanted to win (just copying my Goddaughter’s view) did, but the lawyer in me is disgruntled about how.
TallGirl is home tomorrow! Tidied her room a bit, and made her bed with the electric blanket. I suspect the central heating she has at uni will be missed!
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