The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Eyes on the World

Old fighter you sure took it on the chin,
Where'd you ever get the strength to stand,
Never giving up or giving in,
You know that I just want to shake your hand cause
People like you help people like me go on, go on

(Si Kahn)

Back home, trying to deal with jet lag complicated by a cold that won't go away, I was out and about taking care of appointments and the various and sundries that pile up during a week away from the homestead. Though I miss my daughter and her family, it was nice to be back in 80 degree (F) weather.

When this blip opportunity caught my eye I was on my way somewhere else to take a shot that I've been trying to get "just right" for the last two months. It's a detail from the steeple of an old AME church in downtown Ocala. There was something about the weathered look of the building that appealed to me - like the old fighter in the song, a scrapper that's taken it on the chin countless times but never went down for the count or lost a vision of what the fight was/is all about.

.... and the adventure continues.

By the way this is a link to the Flicker set where I put some of my grand-daughters photography. Ella's Album

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