
By Veronica


Quite a large wild boar has passed by (my foot for scale). The only photo I have!

A lovely sunny day -- S was out early, off in the Pyrenees with Toti the shepherd. I just went to drop the recycling, followed by a brief local walk. In the evening, off to Megan's house for our book group end-of-year do. Normally we go to a restaurant, resulting in much discussion of where to go, when to go ... this time we ordered Indian food, delivered.

Turns out French Indian takeaway isn't quite like the British version. Sandrine arrived with a big insulated bag, so we assumed the food was hot. It wasn't, it was all chilled, requiring much manipulation of oven and microwave. It was delicious though, in a French way, i.e. lots of sauce, not very spicy, but for each dish she provided a little pot of more spicy sauce to stir in. Quite a clever idea for the spice-averse French.

It was more relaxing than being in a restaurant, with no time pressure, no faffing about ordering and splitting the bill (we'd worked it out in advance), and the six of us who were there had a lovely time. I'd happily do it again, though I suggested next time everyone bring their own plates, cutlery etc. as is done for village meals -- then Megan wouldn't have been left with the washing up :)

Home just after 11, S had just got back after a long day out.

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