
Our photosoc has a special interest group for film photography.  There are 16 of us and in "normal" times we go for a photo shoot 4 or 5 times a year.  We are hoping to revive our walks in the Spring and have been discussing experiences.  One of our more expert members has been advising me (a very inexpert member) on what I can do about the fact that the old Pentax that I bought on ebay consistently underexposes.  I sent him this picture so that he could be sure which model he was advising on, and he's come up with a couple of good suggestions.

From my point of view, the best thing about film photography is that it makes you slow down.  Each press of the shutter costs about 30p in film and processing costs, so the scattergun approach of digital comes expensive.  I am hoping that it will turn me into a more thoughtful and considered photographer even when I am using digital.

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