Gifts Galore.

Busy day, a bit more sorting and charity shop drop off. I find I need to clear where I feel like doing, rather than the methodical one room at a time that I thought I'd do. I then sat and finished making my cards, writing, and finally delivering/posting them. Yay! One more job ticked off the list.

When I was delivering round the village I realised I hadn't got a blip. I took this of one of the shop windows in the. village, always a good place to find an unusual, and usually pretty gift. It was extremely busy with rush hour traffic, and drizzling quite heavily. I snapped the extra and have decided to  go back at a quieter time with my 'proper' camera as I feel the potential to get something nice is possibly there. The only problem is the signage and general street furniture rubbish everywhere, it spoils every picture!

Our camera club Christmas social for tomorrow evening is now being held on zoom. Today we've had lots of WhatsApps going back and forward between us Grenville grannies. Friday we were going out for a meal, but have decided to have a coffee morning in a garden, bringing our own flasks and blankets. We felt bad cancelling as the hospitality industry are once again going to. be hit. But after we all spent last Christmas away from our families, it's just not worth the risk of it happening again this year. I think we'll just try and have a meal out in the new year.

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