Hogging the limelight
There have been several reports on the neighbourhood WhatsApp of boar in the woods - but they've been of the Loch Ness Monster nature: noises heard at dusk, a dark shape moving through the gloom. And then this. A neighbour messaged me earlier that he'd seen a hole in our fence. And while out fixing it (happily on the inside of the fence) Mr B came face to face with a new neighbour. Clearly she had made the hole, and was interested in what was going on.
We watched her for a while, from the relative safety of inside the garden, as she scratched on trees and our fence and seemed singularly unalarmed at our presence. Only when the hole-spotting neighbour reappeared with his dog did she scarper off, tail aloft, into the woods.
Opinions on the WhatsApp group were divided between <munch scream emoji> "will it eat our cats?" and <heart emoji> "how could we ever kill such beautiful animals. We are somewhere in between. Nature's great and this is why we live in the country, so long as nature leaves my unnatural garden be.
Some more robust fencing may be in our near future - as when Mr B went out to put the hens to bed, she had already found her way back in through another breach in the defences and was rootling in the compost.
In other news, TallGirl came home and kept us up far too late. That's students for you.
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