Christmas is coming………

We have the 4 grandchildren now on Tuesday mornings.
Still no nearer getting into schools here.
We were busy.
I was doing some crafty kind of stuff, and Stephen made two Christmas puddings with them. Each of them involved at one stage or other.
Be it weighing ingredients, or mixing, and the final scraping out of the bowls!
We used a microwave recipe again this year. It worked well last year.
Just 20-25 minutes on Medium Low (or 30%) .
They could smell them cooking during the morning. (Obviously not both at once).
(I used to make them in the traditional way each year, and we all made a wish when we stirred it! )
I’m now recovering from the morning’s activities! Our son came to collect them after we’d given them their lunch.
I’m running behind on catching up again but will eventually do so when there’s a quiet space or two.
Still a lot of cards to write. And I include a note with several.
I’m studiously avoiding the news once again. I want to have a stress free week if possible.
I realise others cannot avoid it and are already feeling the impact in their lives.
Stay safe everyone where possible.

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