Without a Degree

By withoutadegree

More Thunderstorms

This summer I?m doing summer school, so today I ventured out to turn in some forms to the community college I?m going to go to. It was sprinkling when I left, but it got really nasty as I was driving there. By the time I arrived at the school, the streets were flooding. I turned in the forms, found a Starbucks, and waited out the storm. I was really sad I hadn?t brought my camera along to capture some of the madness, but here is a shot of my soaked jeans the only souvenir of the adventure.

I spent some time reading my bible when I was waiting and was really overwhelmed with peace. I have no control over anything. If I?m not careful I bite into this idea that I have control of things, but really I don?t. I planned to get a lot of homework done today, but a simple thunderstorm changed that. What gives me peace though, is the story I read in Matthew. You could look out the window and see a police car is blocking people from driving into the water. One emergency vehicle passed with a lifeboat, and this storm is not letting up. About this time I came across the story where Jesus and his disciples are on a boat and this big storm comes along. Jesus is sleeping and his disciples wake him up and Jesus calms the storm. That is the Jesus I'm following. That gives me peace. I'm ok with not having control.

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