Where have all the snow flakes gone?!

Woke up a bit later than usually, started working later than usually, had lunch later than usually and also stopped working a lot later than usually… trying to get ready for my holiday, so I had a bit longer working day.

To my happiness I had salmon soup with sour cream ready. I made it yesterday. I guess I could make soups more often, felt like a good idea.

Awful weather, dull grey, +2c. Everywhere sleet and ugly looking partly slippery icy ground, every snow flake gone.

Daylight drive (in the blip) to our neighbour suburban willage Rahola as there is a very good small lunch restaurant. There is also almost everything you could dream, but no supermarket or kiosk. There is a daycare, school, hairdresser, pub, piano school and some other special small shops…


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