December Sunshine

Streaming in our front door this morning, and making a silhouette of Aduro on my desk (where I wish she wasn't but she's more determined than I am).

Spent a good part of the day praying and asking God to show us what we are supposed to be doing here. This included walking round town - Mike one way and me another, and praying (silently) for whoever we met, and whatever we saw. Made me realize how disconnected we've become (because of the pandemic), but that there's nothing to stop us walking around praying, and chatting to folk in the open air. Really enjoyed it.

- time out to listen and compare notes with Mike, and agree steps forward
- some great conversations, face to face, and on the phone
- a delicious hamburger at Morango Bar, sitting on the patio in the warm sunshine (thanks for the recommendation, Lydie and Danny!)

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