
We had a guy come to replace some bricks where MrB has taken out the old air con system. Joe was 73 and still working hard. He was amazing!

While doing the dishes, I spotted this little cutie on the tap. I moved it outside and took a few shots on the way. 

We took Abe and Nikau to the vet's. Little Miss was a bit worried about one of Abe's teeth (it's fine) and Nikau needed his vaccinations. They didn't charge to look at Abe, but did tell us that he's a great weight (33.4 kg) and has a very good heart beat, so that's nice. Nikau was a total star and took his jabs like the tiger he is inside.

Home to do some yoga and then I'm taking Little Miss to a sleepover at her friend's house. I'm not sure if they call them sleepovers anymore, at 16, but that's effectively what it is. Four friends since primary school, eating rubbish and watching movies. It's great that they all still enjoy each other's company, despite being at different schools.


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