Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

Early Bingo

A much earlier blip than usual for me today. This was due to Bingo sitting outside the conservatory door, waiting for me, when I came downstairs to make a cup of tea at 6.30am.

I put the kettle on to boil and grabbed the camera. She is in the most wonderful, playful mood this morning. I gave her the usual biscuits, however when she had eaten them, she just sat down next to me on the conservatory step. It's ok for her, she has a lovely warm fur coat but all I had on was my PJ's!

This was the closest I have ever been to her and, for the first time, was really tempted to stroke her. Thankfully, sense prevailed and I just gave her another biscuit. She really does seem to enjoy my company (as I do her's) and I talk non stop to her when she's around.

It's a beautiful sunny, but cold, morning here today but we're predicted snow flurries this afternoon - when is this cold spell going to end?

I think this looks good viewed large if you would like to.

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