Bouquet of Ivy Berries.

Allotment walk today for Ginny.  She was very active with scent-trailing chasing up and down the paths between every plot, spied a couple of cats engaged in a Mexican stand-off who promptly slunk off when they saw her.  She picked up their scent on the way back and checked out exactly where they had both been positioned.  Now that grass trimming isn't being carried out you can see the tracks of creatures as they scour the site for tasty morsels so it is easy to see how close Ginny keeps to their scent trail.  As a scent hound I don't think she is relying on seeing the tracks but is using her excellent nose always positioned close to the ground.
Love the colours of these ivy berries so picked a spray for an indoor shot today as it was a bit dull and uninteresting outdoors.

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