A Smaller Splash

The duck had dived, leaving just ripples in the water.

A trip to Tatton Park this afternoon. Our first trip out together for a few days. A sunny day for a change, so not to be wasted.

Not a lot of time before the sun went down (extra). Sunset has been at 15.51 hours the last few days. As we approach the shortest day, day length is not changing much from day to day.

I like cloudless or near cloudless winter days. Leafless trees in winter can look very sculptural. And twilight always has a certain magic (extra).,

We watched another Covid press briefing when we got back home. Two thoughts. The spread of the Omicron variant is really alarming, it’s even more important we continue to do what we do and take care. And I continue to be impressed by the Chief Medical Officer’s diplomatic skills.

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