
Or "Denny' as our Italian friends call him, ha! 
Another productive morning...food bought for the first big Christmas dinner which will be Saturday. I also continued prepping for Friday's Messy church and listened to a Brené Brown podcast, one of the ones with her sisters - so good. I sent her latest book to Ed so thought I'd listen to her and her sisters discussing it. Here's the link to the episode. I found it so fascinating, from minute 25 they talk about how we need to expand our language to express our emotions, and how often if our language is limited we limit our emotions and often wrongly label them and therefore express them inappropriately...ie; fear often being labelled and therefore expressed as anger, but actually it's fear... So so interesting... Language does not just communicate what we're feeling, it shapes it. I highly recommend it!

Dinner and Bible with Danny & Mitch - no Stephen as he'd been in close contact with someone who's tested positive for Covid. He's negative so far. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) People like Brené Brown. She and her podcasts add so much to my life!
2) Asha helping me loads this afternoon.
3) The kids trying different foods this evening.

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