
By soozsnapz

Christmas at the garden centre

I thought their displays of cyclamen were pretty. I was there to get a couple of gifts.  Not going big on gifts this year - I don’t think people really want to receive things. I know I don’t. I’m being given a couple of books that I really really want.  I was getting garden vouchers for my son and dil. 
The 3rd bad thing is that after over a year of investigating why I have some balance problems, the neurologist told me on Tuesday there is a slight problem with my cerebellum. But she was very positive about staying well with lots of exercise and exercises. Tai Chi and Qi Gong will be especially good. But she did say, very emphatically, that alcohol is toxic to the brain cells, so no more alcohol at all, ever. I simultaneously felt- that’s ok I can do that easily - and felt terribly sad about not having any more nice glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon with my evening meal. It will be worth it though. 

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