Looks Good to Me

We are still waiting for the pathology report, but we are so grateful for the successful surgery. Ron was anxious to go home, so when the nurse suggested he go for a walk by himself...he was so proud of himself and sent me a text that he had walked all around his floor of the hospital, and he was sure he would be coming home today. This afternoon, his wife and his sister drove to the other side of town and brought him home from the hospital. He went right to bed for a nap; he said he didn't get much sleep in the hospital. 

It feels a little strange to be past the surgery and removal of the mass in Ron's brain. I think the incision looks good, and I wonder how big of a cut they made in his skull to remove whatever was in there. There are still lots of questions, but Ron seems to be his old self and not in too much pain. 

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