All Washed Up, Aylesford

Again it was very quiet at work today, I just had three things to shoot all morning. I was told if I was up to date by lunchtime I could go home early. I had my fingers crossed the whole of the morning that I would not get any last minute requests and, low and behold, it came to pass! The train home was less than half full. It felt like a wee bit of a luxury.
When my brother picked me up from the station we managed to get caught in two big traffic jams. So a journey that should have taken less than ten minutes took over an hour. Therefore, we decided we might as well go the pub and a have relaxing pint and a chinwag and wait for the congested roads to calm down.
It was so lovely to get home early and watch a good bit of telly. We decided to watch Portrait Artist Of The Year as it was the winner painting Nicola Benidetti for the Scottish Portrait Gallery. It was such an enjoyable programme and his portrait was amazing. I'm alway in awe of people who can paint and he was brilliant.
Today's image is just an everyday domestic one but with a touch of the surreal. This past week I'm convinced that dirty dishes are jumping into washing up bowl behind my back. You think you've got everything all washed up and then you turn around and have to start all over again.

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