Bridge Bids

AW had live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's, as is often on a Friday evening.  I drove him there and picked him up again later.  After we arrived, spent about 20 minutes catching up with Benna on some gossip.  We hardly ever do this, so it was actually quite 'gezellig'.  I did not stay too long, although there was enough time for some waffels with cream, simple but yummy.  Once back home, some housework and gaming, and before I knew it, it was time to return there to fetch AW.

This bidding table isn't as complicated as it might look.  There are, however, a number of important bridge rules that need to be mastered before you can say that you know how to bid.  With bridge, winning a game is not enough.  If your bid was 'too low', you will still lose points.

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