knife angel

Also known as the National Monument Against Violence and Aggression, The Knife Angel has been on tour across England and Wales. This month the sculpture is in Carlisle. It hasn't yet visited Scotland.

Most of the knives came from amnesties and some arrived in evidence tubes with bodily fluids still on them. The artist, Alfie Bradley, sanitised and blunted every one. Families who had lost a loved one to knife crime and violence were invited to engrave a message on a blade which would be included in the monument. At each location, there is a knife bank where people can hand in their weapons: "Save a Life, Surrender Your Knife".

We were in Carlisle today for Sarah to have her Covid booster. There were queues of people outside the venue. Hopefully helping to save lives in another way.

The sun was setting as we sped home in the train and on the other side, the beautiful big moon was rising. Jupiter and Venus were both bright in the sky, too. A lovely evening, and time for my monthly bivvy :-)

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