Survivors Ready!

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Caro and I have been watching "Survivor" since 2005. That was when I discovered illegal downloading although to be honest if they just SHOWED THE DAMN SHOW in the UK then I wouldn't have HAD to do the illegal part. 

Back then, it would take me DAYS to download an episode of the show, and I could only play it on my crappy old desktop. I wheeled it through to the living room and Caro and me would watch it on Saturday morning on a 15 inch screen. 

For this reason, "Survivor" has always been a Saturday morning thing for us, ever since. Now it is 16 years later and I'm still cruising the internets, downloading these shows for Caro. She just loves them and we know all the catchphrases:

 - Immunity! Back up for grabs!
- Survivors ready!
- (Tribe Name) WINS REWARD! Sorry (Other Tribe Name) I've got nothin' for ya!
- Drop your buffs! We are MERGING!
- It IS.... time to vote

And so on. 

To be honest, I've tired of the show in recent years, but Caro is as enthusiastic as ever. So she was very excited to discover that Jefe is as big a fan as she is. He was also VERY excited. And so we decided to have a Survivor Watch Party for the finale of the current season.

Pizza, beer and wine was acquired and we had lots of fun. I decided to hide an Immunity Idol somewhere in the room and left a CLUE in the platter of food in the middle of the table. 

This is something they always do in the show. They'll leave out a feast for the contestants, but there will be a hidden clue in there for the savvy player. As seasoned Survivor watchers, I figured Jeff and Manda would spot it right away.

I SAY - they'll spot it...!





In the end we pointed it out to them. Manda picked up the clue and HANDED IT TO JEFE. Who then READ IT OUT LOUD.

Tch. It is like they have never even SEEN "Survivor" before. 

Nevertheless we all had fun. Jefe and Manda are a fun couple and very laid -back and easy to be around. Manda got to see hedgehogs, pet Jasper and Dave and even met Punky! As an animal lover, she was beside herself with kitty and hedgie joy.

We are being very sociable these days. It is almost like Edinburgh again. I love it. 


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