2548. Christmas Tree
It’s a bit of a grainy photo as it’s pretty dark in the lounge as I like seeing the tree lights without other lights on too!
A very busy day for all the wrong reasons today…I had a bit of an accident yesterday and I tripped and fell over a cable in our bedroom. I fell pretty heavily on my hip and twisted my back so I’ve had quite a bit of back pain overnight but it seems to have eased a bit today. As a result of my fall I cancelled my volunteering today as the thought of spending four hours on my feet without a break or a sit down, filled me with trepidation!
We did our usual housework this morning, albeit a bit slowly for me, but we got most of it done.
My friend had the feedback on her eBook that I’ve been helping her put together, from her tutor and it wasn’t as good as she wanted so had a few changes to make by tomorrow!
So I have spent a good part of the afternoon making the changes that she wanted and I have just emailed the hopefully final version to her, having had to retake a few photos of some of her work too.
She totally rewrote some pages of it and I think she’s just about ready to submit it!
I am just putting my feet up now and taking a break…..a busy week ahead I think!
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