Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Happy birthday DDLC ...

Which if you don't remember stands for David Dickinsons love child ... This is due to her over use of the product 'self tan' ... Giving her the radioactive glowing look she often has.
Had a lovely but noisy time at DDLC's with my mum (as it is snack Wednesday) and Moonchops and all our children plus grandson Jake ... Making for a very very noisy household.
Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY my lovely little brown monkey pal... Xxxxxxxxxxxx

This evening we had a poo incident ...
Met Tits up the hills for an evening walk in sunshine despite it being freezing cold and I forgot my poo bags as I wore my ski jacket ...well now ,we all remember how Tits buys substandard poo bags don't we ??? Yes... Well Sadie has a huge Mr Whippy massive massive poo and bless that tight cheapskate Tits she lets me have a crap bag (excuse the pun) and the poo is gathered ... Well half an hour later I say to Tits 'what's that all over my trousers ' stupidly I swipe at it with my hand and then for some utterly bizarre reason I SNIFF my hand ... WHAT IN GODS NAME WAS I THINKING ??? Chances are if it looks like dog shit and smells like dog shit it IS dog shit.The stupid cheap bag had split and 'Oozed on to my leg ' !!!!!!!! Can I just say it is really really hard to drive home without a right hand .

Snacks .... Chocolate birthday cake WITH cream
A marmalade tart
Roach road tray bake ......

It was a lean day for snacks.

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