
By StillLearning

Eye bolt

Our house was built in part of a walled garden. Previous owners made the garden to a special place and frequently opened it to the public. Owners since have not had the same devotion and it had been much neglected.

We didn't help matters by buying part of the garden and building a house on it! And putting a great muckle wooden fence up to separate our house from the original property. But if we hadn't, somebody else would have. The challenge for us is to build a new garden which at least hints at former glories. It will take some time.

On two sides are wonderful brick walls crying out to be clothed with climbing plants. Lots of tangled wire and empty vine eyes suggest it once was. Today I tidied up a small section and planted a couple of clematis and a rose.

I also drilled my first hole in the wall for a wire support. It felt like a significant event.

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