We've Come A Long Way Baby.
We are all here Blipping because of these things. Full frame DSLRs with all the trimmings, compact cameras, IPads and phone cameras. Whatever you use to make a record, twenty years ago it would have been one of these, immortalised outside a photography studio in Salcombe.
Those were the days when you took your roll of film to the chemist and waited a week for your 24 holiday snaps, 20 of which came back with little stickers telling you they were under/over exposed! Or when they came back with forgotten photos from 3 Christmases ago.
We've come a long way baby!
A mega busy day today, breakfast in Salcombe, awesome waves at Slapton, the obligatory visit to the garden centre to coo at the rabbits and gerbils, time with Grandad, a meal out and sunset over the Royal William Yard. Now it's Silver Linings Playbook time.
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