By lizzie_birkett

My Girl is Here!

Frank and Bella May arrived at lunchtime. She went crazy with excitement when she came in - it takes her a while to calm down after she greets everyone by trying to lick them to death and sniffing their bums! I have to grab her by the collar and tell her to calm down and sit. She eventually does after a few minutes. She just loves everyone and wants to tell them so!
Frank for got her teddy which isn’t good as it is a great calming toy when anyone comes to the house because instead of all that crazy behaviour she grabs Ted and parades round with it showing it to everyone. 

I had a migraine on and off most of today so haven’t done much. Sabrina had her friends little 2 year old boy here as his mum was working and the childminder was ill. The girls love little Michael and did most of the looking after. Amelia even got him to sleep on the sofa when he refused to for anyone else.

It’s book and bedtime now.
Thanks for the comments, stars and hearts Blip friends.
Goodnight :-)X

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