
By Marionb

The Bigger They Are....

..The Harder They Fall...

When I went to bed, he wasn't there. When I got up in the night and glanced out the window, he was... a giant, taller than the house across the street, waving and smiling at me ....

His they twinkled - his dimples how merry ....his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a big black cherry. His droll  little mouth was drawn up like a bow ... Geez, he was creeping me out! That goofy grin..and staring up at me like that..and waving...

This is not what I want to see out my bedroom window in the dead of night!  I pulled down my blind and went back to bed and dreamt of giant mice in red suits...and in the morning? 

There he was..flat on his back..helpless...How far the mighty had fallen.... The wind had come up and blown him over. He was rolling from one side to the other...over and back..over and back.....unable to get up..So sad - I know how that feels...and then the final insult...deflation.

So, where did he come from? This is not something I would expect my young neighbour to do. Decorate for Christmas with Mickey Mouse? In a Santa suit? Not! ...he has no, who were the culprits who had erected him in the dark of night? And where were they? Surely they would come and take him away that their prank had fallen flat, so to speak..

But I just looked out now and he is back! Standing tall and proud... waving, and not falling!...I guess the culprits went home and finally read the instructions on how to erect and anchor an inflatable?  Drat!... 

Does this mean he is here to stay? Has my neighbour even noticed yet that he has a giant mouse on his front lawn..? How will he react when he does? Will others follow suit and perhaps get an even bigger Santa for their front yards?  These are questions that keep me awake at night. 

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