Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Tucked In

This tiny mouse has been snug in its walnut shell for 50 years.  My friend, Marie, made it for me when we were seniors in high school.  PD and I had been dating about 9 months and it was our first Christmas together.  We got a small tree for his apartment and my friends and I made decorations for it.  This and one other ornament have stood the test of time. :-)  Many thanks to carol_dunham for hosting Tiny Tuesdays in December!

Today I shopped for two more gifts that I had forgotten about and everything I need for baking tomorrow.  I also got the the ingredients for Christmas Eve appetizers.  I am grateful that I'll only have to make one more quick trip to the grocery store!  I was asked to bring a green salad to our Christmas dinner, so I'll go to the store on the 24th so everything will be fresh.

Tomorrow morning, before I start baking, I'm going to catch up on Blip.  It's on the planner. :-)

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