It's my life

By hh

Truly sad Queen's day...

Today, the 30th of april is a national holiday in The Netherlands. On the 30th of april we celebrate the birthday of our queen. It's the birthday of the late queen Juliana. When Queen Beatrix became queen in 1980 she decided to keep april 30th as national holiday. Each year queen Beatrix visits a city and little village in the same province. This year it had to be a special holiday because of the 100th birthday of the late Queen Juliana. The Royal family only visited the town of Apeldoorn. It all begun very nice. The weather was great, the people happy and it was a great party. It all went very smooth, until a crazy fool drove his car through the crowds. His goal was to hit the Royal bus with the complete Royal family. The family withnessed the event, and where shocked. While driving through the crowds, the car hit 17 people, of which 5 died en 4 became heavily injured. All festivities in the country have been cancelled and al flags are half mast. It really is a very sad day...

On the picture the sunset... although this was at around 8.30 p.m it felt that the sun went down at the beginning of the afternoon...

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