Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart flower essence is one of the main essences used for the heart, which you can see in the shape of the flower. Ancient herbalists called this the 'Doctrine of Signature' - observing how a plant helps heal from its shape or habit.

Bleeding heart helps to release extreme attachments to others which creates unhealthy emotional ties. Edward Bach who discovered flower essences said that 'what we call love is a combination of greed and fear, that is desire for more and fearing to lose'.

The image of love we see in films is of an obsessive, dramatic need to be together. Think of The English Patient, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Crying Game - there are countless examples of this desperate need for two people to be together. True love is not desperate and needy. It flows freely, giving freedom and unconditional love without need or expectation.

Bleeding heart flower essence
helps to mend a broken heart and is useful in bereavement, divorce and any relationship that would benefit from more freedom.

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