
By Farmerboab

Yellow Lorry.....

Another busy one today.
This lorry and drag arrived in with a load of fertiliser first thing. Had him emptied by half 9. He was away to Silloth for another load for a farm near Dunbar.
Dreich all day.
Fed everything else then nipped off to the vet to collect some antibiotics to cover us over Christmas as one or two calves are looking like they are getting ready to take pneumonia. Littlemiss came with me so decided to nip to M& S for sandwiches for lunch . Bad idea. The queue was out the door ,and hoaching inside. Would love to know their daily turnover this week. Still,tasty sandwiches.
Back home and started to haul slurry up to the storage tank. By 4.30 it was dark and raining ,so gave it up as a bad idea. Will see what tomorrow brings.
The joys.

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