
By pattons6


Mummy wasn't very good today. She didn't take many photos. So you have one of me sleeping. Holding on to my favourite things. A remote control something I love and have great fun waving it about, I always fund the volume / mute button so I can turn it down. A crinkly wrapper, with or without the sweetie inside.

I had a busy day today, we all went a walk near the hotel, I looked down most of the way, daddy had me in my carrier so I could see more.

I then went swimming with mummy while daddy went golfing. I had a ball, I was waving and giggling to everyone else in the pool. I fell asleep straight after swimming so mummy had a quiet cup of tea while she waited for me to wake.

I have played lots today, in my walker, crawling and dancing. I slept right through last night again. Mummy thinks that the extra food I have been eating and milk at bed has helped.

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