Solitary Starling

I think this solitary starling is either on the lookout for mates or has missed his murmuration.  That weak sky hung around most of the day after about half an hour of a promising sunrise.

After a very early recorder lesson (my teacher was heading north to visit her family for the weekend) there was much hoovering and a bit of dusting before cuppa break for Christmas Popmaster.  The questions have been fiendishly difficult this year, possibly too difficult to make it a nail-biting finals week.

After cuppa break it was time to sort the birds and the cats and the rabbit then all of a sudden it was the afternoon and time for a good long walk around the Moor and the Estate with friend Angela.  

Our food delivery came yesterday and a couple of the things were sadly short dated so I took a lemon tart down to our friends/neighbours and promptly fell down their last step!  I ended up with a cut and bruised knee, an elbow in a plantpot and a twisted ankle, so the evening is being spent with my foot raised on the settee and an ice pack wrapped in a tea towel.  Tony may have to wheelbarrow me in to marshalling position at parkrun on Saturday!

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