
Tired after two  busy days, it's been a frustrating day in some ways.   Jamie had a short phone appointment scheduled for 1pm.   By 2pm we'd found out it was rescheduled for 230pm, the same time as a massage appointment which we then organised to be at 3pm instead.   3pm came and went, Jamie sensibly opted to go ahead with the massage and as the call never came, he did the right thing.   Frustrating waste of my time but these things happen and no doubt all will be sorted eventually .... but being tired means my fuse is short today!   I retired for a lie down at dusk.

My mystery present exercised a few folks' curiosity yesterday!    It was a food delivery, namely a Rick Stein three course meal for two which the three of us will share shortly.   Mmmm.

While Jamie enjoyed his massage, I took the dogs for a walk.   The lady delivering the massage lives at the farm next door to Llanegryn church.

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