My little helper!

Daughter Number 2 and Baby J joined me for my paper round today and between us we managed to get my remaining leaflets delivered. Only 1 of us can actually post them through letterboxes as you have to carry a tracker so the company can check where you have delivered.

Baby J seemed quite happy in the carry sling but screamed on his way home. It was only 5 miles but thats a long way when you have a screaming baby in the car. As soon as he was picked up he was smiling!! Little monkey!!

I got all my Christmas Shopping finished and wrapped, including a Hedgehog House for Samuel. He was super excited to find Hedgehog poo in his garden the other day!

Here you have Baby J, in Samuel's 27 year old romper, after having a mid way snack in the car!

Let the festivities Begin!

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